Yes it's true no more pain how to name you Drupal projects branches (i mean like 8.x-1.x) or your tags like 8.x-1.0, Semantic versioning is now available for all contributed projects on
before we started talking about what changed, let's see what Semantic versioning mean and what it was the naming conventions Drupal used before.
What is semantic versioning ?
According to
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
So the semantic versioning is to give your software a version number with three parts MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH.
- MAJOR : major changes
- MINOR : new functionality / feature
- PATCH : bug fixes
If Drupal wasn't using Semantic Versioning!
What was it's naming conventions then ?
Drupal was using their own naming convention like {API_COMPATIBILITY}-{MAJOR}.{MINOR/PATCH} like the following:

- API COMPATIBILITY : Drupal Core compatibility like 7.x for Drupal 7 and 8.x for Drupal 8.
- MAJOR : New functionality / feature
- MINOR/PATCH : The last part for both patches or bug fixes
Now project versions will be like 3.1.0 instead of 8.x-3.100 and it can be both Drupal 8 and 9 compatible.
Besides for Drupal 8 compatibility only for 8.8.3 version and newer.
For more example take a look here.
The Twig Tweak module already release a with new versioning.

For further reading: